Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Goals for 2014.

On Tuesday, the 31st of December last year, I wrote down my goals for 2014. These are things that I really want to do/achieve, and so I made them as specific as I could.

Photo via Pinterest

This year I would like to visit Paris again, and go to Brighton. I want to travel more in general, so if any travelling to other places would occur, then I would be more than okay with that, haha. If you know me, you know that *the* place I've always wanted to go to ever since I was little, is Australia. That will happen eventually, I'm sure, but since I'm a complete newbie travelling on my own, I want to visit places a bit closer to home first.

One of the people who inspires me most, is Teresa Palmer. I would love to meet her one day, and why not this year? Kind of on the same topic, another thing I've been wanting to do, but never really got around to, is writing an article for Your Zen Life. A place for like-minded people to come together, set up by Teresa and friend Phoebe Tonkin. If you're into health, wellness etc., head on over.

Other things I want to cross off of my list are going to a concert (anyone wanna go see Nina Nesbitt?), and volunteer. I've been looking into volunteering lately and it's definitely something I've wanted to do ever since I graduated high school, only I've always been too scared to actually go for it. But that's no excuse though, is it? In the next few months I will set it up.

Then onto some resolutions, things I will work at throughout the entire year. As I am still going to uni, I set myself to work hard and get good grades, but also spend time with friends and take lots of photos. And then something most people name as one of their resolution, if not *the* resolution year after year, is being healthier. I know, I know, how predictable, right? But I've got a plan. I will cook more myself (can't wait to try my self made green juices!), and follow an exercise plan. Now, I already walk everywhere I need to be (if it's in walking distance, obvs), but I feel like I need to get in better shape. Luckily there's YouTube videos for everything. Hello Blogilates!

And lastly, I went into this year, maybe not exactly knowing who I am, but definitely knowing who I want to be. And that all starts with being the best person I can be and lead with love.

Have you set yourself goals or resolutions? And are you still sticking to them?